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Business Durham - the business support service for Durham County Council

Business doesn't need to be an uphill struggle.


Your trusted guide to providing business support & advice

Business Durham is the business support service for Durham County Council, helping to deliver more and better jobs and a strong competitive economy. We aim to take the stress out of the many issues businesses face, providing tailored support to meet those unique challenges.

Smiling man at business meeting - Business Durham - the business support service for Durham County Council


inward investments secured

If you're starting a business in County Durham, our dedicated and experienced team provides bespoke and impartial support, such as help with finance, finding premises and much more.

Starting A Business

Starting a business in County Durham - Business Durham - the business support service for Durham County Council

If you own a business in County Durham and want to expand, we’re here to help. We can help you access the support available in the county to take your business to the next level.

Growing A Business

Growing a business in County Durham - Business Durham - the business support service for Durham County Council

There are many reasons to move or expand your business to County Durham. We are a great place to live, with fantastic transport links, access to an outstanding labour pool and much more.

Relocating A Business

Moving a business to County Durham - Business Durham - the business support service for Durham County Council

Your Business Journey


We help you find the right premises for your business

If you’re thinking about relocating your business to County Durham or opening up a branch here, we’re here to help make the transition as smooth as possible and make sure you’re taking advantage of everything the county has to offer.

Business Durham manages over 30 premises in County Durham comprising over 300 units and office spaces.

Having Business Durham as your landlord brings a host of benefits in business support, a wide network of like-minded businesses across the County, innovation support and the chance to build links with schools. 

Financial help for your business - Business Durham


Financial advice for your business

Accessing the right funding for your business can be a bit of a minefield. At Business Durham, we’re here to show you the best funding opportunities for your company.

Get In Touch

Business Durham is the business support service for Durham County Council, helping to deliver more and better jobs and a strong competitive economy.

Contact our friendly team for help with your business.

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